Your support of our work in Mozambique helps us to give Mozambicans a chance at a brighter future through knowledge, skillsets, resources, and opportunities that can positively impact thousands of lives within their communities.

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Children's Programs

Location: Mozambique, Africa

Orphan Care:

There are approximately 12 million children in Mozambique, comprising 52% of the population. An estimated 1 in every 8 children are orphans, many having lost their parents to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.1  According to UNICEF, approximately 90% of Mozambique's orphaned children are living with extended family members, but when you consider that 48% of the population are living below the poverty line, the extended family's ability to care for more children in addition to their own can be extremely challenging, if not impossible.

We help share the love of Christ with these families and the children in their care by assisting the extended family, widows, and others who care for these orphans with supplemental food assistance, hygiene supplies, educational assistance, and child wellness assessments for the children in their care.

Children’s Ministry:

We also mentor and minister to children through weekly gatherings where they can play with other children, sing songs, hear Bible stories, and get fed a nutritious lunch.  For many of these children, this weekly event may be their only exposure to the love of Christ.  As these children are nurtured and encouraged, their new outlook overflows and introduces hope to the entire family.

In addition to helping meet the needs of the community, our Mozambican staff and leaders who facilitate these programs are learning more about responsibility, planning, budgeting, record keeping, working as a team, and a host of other skills that will be invaluable to them as they grow in their leadership roles.

Read some stories...

The Joy of Christmas 2021

1 UNICEF. "Situation of Children in Mozambique 2014." 2014.

Some of Our Partnering Organizations
Working Together to Change Lives
Grace Community Assembly in Branson, Missouri Jubilee Worship Center in Harrison, Arkansas Caring for Orphans Mozambique in Temecula, California Hope House Children's Homes in Reeds Spring, Missouri Siloam Mountain Jr School in Uganda, Africa Young Africa in Mozambique, Africa Sofala Department of Agriculture